Tuesday, November 30, 2010

recent activities

A lot of things happen to me these days..

I had to fetch my parent at the airport in the morning, on the day i had my first final exam as a first year student..fuhhhh..
Then, i was late to the exam, the invigilator did not give me permission to enter the hall..
I had to see dean first, dean xde at his room, so i went to see deputy dean, she give me permission to answer the paper..
2.00pm..dean wanna to see me..he ask me why i did not came to this exam..He asks me everything...
Result: i might be failed for this exam..just wait for the result after senate meeting..
I didn’t have car to go back, its raining outside..i’m alone..i keep crying inside..i don’t know what to do..
Where are my friends? why they didn’t help me at all..rasa macam dibuang cm tu je..its ok la fatin..lumrah dunia..
Betul la orang kate..mase susah ni la nak tau sape kwan sad today..
Nasib baik la mak abah dah balik..xpela..nak wat takdir, mgkin ni balasan atas dosa2 aq yang redha..n aq xmnyesal pun..coz ape yg aq wat ni untuk mak abah aq..
Diorang nak fail kan aq?nak buang aq dri uni? Buatla..itu hak terima..
Rezeki di bumi Allah ni banyak..
Ingat aq nak sangat ke masuk cucms ni?huh..sebelah mata pun aq xpndang la..
Eah fatin..xbaik cakap cmtu..huhu..jangan ckap besar..huhu..harap2la diorang xbuang aq..n xfail kan aq..huhu..please..
Ps: tau takut..haha..fatin2..lawak la hang!!:)

Monday, November 1, 2010

favourite food


What should i rite today?? goes well..nothing interesting happen.. i wonder about something..what is favourite food actually?

Is that the food that u eat everyday..or is that the food that u rarely eaten, but if u found it..u akan really happy cam nak mati?


Just wondering...

Last time, i thought that my favourite food was soto and nasi ayam..cause every stall that i came, i will just ask for that food.

soto yang sedap


nasi ayam!!waa..

But then just now, I ask Khairi, what is my favourite food?(just quizzing him) first..i thought that he couldn’t answer it..then he told me that my favourite food is ikan pari masak asam pdas and ketam masak cili padi..I was really2 shock that time,that is a big fat true!! Those two were really my favourites..huhuhu..(then i feel like..sayang gile towards him).

sedap giler ikan pari nieh!!!

Hahaha..thanks a lot khairi..u have made me think about this ..and i know that i was wrong. I simply think that he couldn’t anwer my question, but things goes oppositely, he in fact can answer all my question dengan tepat..syang khairi..hehe..

Ps..merepek je atas ni.xtau nak wat ape sbnanye.huhu..

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

recent activities

A lot of things happen to me these days..

I had to fetch my parent at the airport in the morning, on the day i had my first final exam as a first year student..fuhhhh..
Then, i was late to the exam, the invigilator did not give me permission to enter the hall..
I had to see dean first, dean xde at his room, so i went to see deputy dean, she give me permission to answer the paper..
2.00pm..dean wanna to see me..he ask me why i did not came to this exam..He asks me everything...
Result: i might be failed for this exam..just wait for the result after senate meeting..
I didn’t have car to go back, its raining outside..i’m alone..i keep crying inside..i don’t know what to do..
Where are my friends? why they didn’t help me at all..rasa macam dibuang cm tu je..its ok la fatin..lumrah dunia..
Betul la orang kate..mase susah ni la nak tau sape kwan sad today..
Nasib baik la mak abah dah balik..xpela..nak wat takdir, mgkin ni balasan atas dosa2 aq yang redha..n aq xmnyesal pun..coz ape yg aq wat ni untuk mak abah aq..
Diorang nak fail kan aq?nak buang aq dri uni? Buatla..itu hak terima..
Rezeki di bumi Allah ni banyak..
Ingat aq nak sangat ke masuk cucms ni?huh..sebelah mata pun aq xpndang la..
Eah fatin..xbaik cakap cmtu..huhu..jangan ckap besar..huhu..harap2la diorang xbuang aq..n xfail kan aq..huhu..please..
Ps: tau takut..haha..fatin2..lawak la hang!!:)

Monday, November 1, 2010

favourite food


What should i rite today?? goes well..nothing interesting happen.. i wonder about something..what is favourite food actually?

Is that the food that u eat everyday..or is that the food that u rarely eaten, but if u found it..u akan really happy cam nak mati?


Just wondering...

Last time, i thought that my favourite food was soto and nasi ayam..cause every stall that i came, i will just ask for that food.

soto yang sedap


nasi ayam!!waa..

But then just now, I ask Khairi, what is my favourite food?(just quizzing him) first..i thought that he couldn’t answer it..then he told me that my favourite food is ikan pari masak asam pdas and ketam masak cili padi..I was really2 shock that time,that is a big fat true!! Those two were really my favourites..huhuhu..(then i feel like..sayang gile towards him).

sedap giler ikan pari nieh!!!

Hahaha..thanks a lot khairi..u have made me think about this ..and i know that i was wrong. I simply think that he couldn’t anwer my question, but things goes oppositely, he in fact can answer all my question dengan tepat..syang khairi..hehe..

Ps..merepek je atas ni.xtau nak wat ape sbnanye.huhu..