Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Salam Ramadhan al-mubarak..

Sedar x sedar,tinggal lagi beberapa hari je Ramadhan akan melabuhkan tirainya, macam cepat sangat masa sebulan tu berlalu, rasa macam baru 2,3 hari je kita menunaikan ibadah puasa,kan?

Sebenarnya,aq pun xsedar gak Ramadhan dah nak abes,sampaila semalam bile orang tanye cuti raya minggu depan ke?then,kat masjid besi,Imam buat pengumuman mengenai 10 malam terakhir Ramadhan..

Allahu akbar, cepat betul masa berlalu, time dgar tu smpai terduduk diam aq,terkejut sangat, rasa macam baru nak menikmati manisnya ramdhan ni..macam banyak sgat lagi perkara yang belum dilakukan, solat sunat, khatam Al-Quran, macam2la..huhu..

Bukan apa, rasa diri ni kerdil sangat,terlalu banyak dosaku selama 20 tahun bergelar hamba Allah ni..sesungguhnya benar, aq sangat lalai dengan kehidupan dunia yang sementara ni, duduk berjauhan dengan keluarga menambahkan lagi rasa kesenangan dalam diri dan membuat diri ni lebih alpa terhadap tanggungjwab ku kepada Allah s.w.t..astagfirullah..

Sebab tu kalau boleh, sementara nafsu masih terkawal dlam diri,sementara syaitan masih dibelenggu dan diikat, sementara pintu neraka masih nak sgat ubah diriku kepada yang lebih baik..kepada yang lebih khusyu’ dan tawada’ terhadap Allah..susah memang susah,smpai aq rasa diriku dan nafsuku dah dididik oleh syaitan agar alpa terhadap Allah..(nauzubillah)..

Jadi,sementara aq masih ingat tujuan aq dilahirkan di dunia ini..Ya Allah,berilah aq kesempatan dan peluang untuk ku memperbaiki diriku..

Salam ramadhan kepada semua...:)

cerita saje-saje

Hello everyone!!!!!!

Haha...saje nak mencapub(mencari publisiti) kat blog sendri,kih kih...bukan ape..memang dah lama xpost ape2 kat wall ni..sunyi sepi je..xde orang kacau..xde post baru..senyap je.......

Bukan apa,nak kata busy,xla busy sgat,tapi boleh la jugak dikatakan busy, sibuk memanjang je kan??huhu..Emm..second year dah start dah dalam jangka masa lebih kurang 2 minggu,masuk rumah baru,beli barang baru,macam2 la..

Then, bnyak lak aktivitinye,orientasi,meeting,gitu gini,hehe,macam2la, last2,cuma baca blog orang laen je,terhibur sangat hati ini,macam2 kisah menarik terdapat kat blog2 nie...

So,Cuma nak cakap hai jela sebenarnya kat sini:DDD xde idea nak tulis entry pasal apa..haha..ntila saya pikir k?

Smpai di sini dlu..assalamualaikum...

Saturday, July 9, 2011


U know what, can I be a neurosurgeon specialist??


It Seems very funny right?berangan la kau fatin!!!!exam faoundation yg senang tu pun kau xleh lepas ngan flying colours, ade hati nak jadi neurosurgeon lak..hahhahaha..

Bukan ape, aq baru je lepas tengok Grey’s Anatomy Season 2, WOW!!Life of doctors was really sucks!!but then, they look very cool!!! Damn cOol!!Okey, basically, aq mmg lebih tertarik with the dramas behind the scene rather than medicine talks that they do,huhu..the story is about an intern names Merideth who is in love with her attending Dr. Stepherd, a neurosurgeon specialist who is going to be the chief of surgeon in the hospital. At first, they were having sex without knowing each other profession and even each other names. The next day, they found out that they work in the same hospital and it is legally wronged when intern is having a relationship with their attending. But then, the loves is still in the air ......

Until one day, the wife of Dr. Stepherd muncul out of nowhere, and BOOM!!and now Dr. Stepherd have got to choose between his wife or Merideth and lastly he choose his family..Poor Merideth, right?

So, that’s the drama..

And now I am thinking to myself, is I am able to be a neurosurgeon when the degree that I’m taking right now is Bachelor of Pharmacy? Haaa fatin, u got to be kidding me..

But then, anything can happen..right?If there is a will, there will be a way..:)

Despite of that, first and for most..go and study hard fatin!!u know that if u want to do,u can do it!!

Okey, thats the spirit!!!

See u later then ..B.A.B.A.I

Thursday, July 7, 2011

work,work and work


Hehehe..sudah agak lama kan sya xpost ape-ape..busy sikit with works and some extra activities..

Okay,today sy dah stop kerja dengan rasminye,walaupun xrasmi sgat SBB MAIN TGGAL JE KEJE TU...haha..sory admin kak aida,kak aishah, ngan azrin..

Bukan ape, malas dah nak keje, sbnanye pgi tdi nak keja gak,tpi mengenangkan assignment yang xsiap lagi..terpaksala rush buat,wlaupun sgat2 xsempurna..sory sgat kepada pihak yang berkenaan..

Then, kat tempat kerja tu macam-macam conflict ada,xbestlakan nak kerja with that kind of environment..BUT actually I TRULY LOVE my work there..hehe..mmg penat,sgat penat,badan berpeluh,ketiak masam..haha..tapi best..

Best sbb ape? First, orang2 kat situ semuanya baik2 dan kelakar..hehe..they treat me like their own family member, caring, everythingla..Pak Mat, En.Hassan, kak Nita, Kak Zura, Kak azie, anna, and those naughty boys..with them , sy belajar pasal kehidupan sebenar, macam mana orang susah cari duit, susahnye kalau xde ilmu, parent jauh, orang yang merantau, macam2 la..kehidupan suami isteri pun ade, kan?

Secondly, cause my works is very interesting tau, packing mihun, first u need to choose the right mihun according to their classes, after sorting those mihun, kira weight die lak, here, ur skills is very needed to seimbangkan berat mihun tu, and xleh lebih dan xleh kurang,lame2 skill tu akan dtang, bile ade skill barula cepat wat kerja..hehe.J

Thirdly best sbb dekat ngan tempat kerja abah, law lapa je,i can just call my dad, ajak die keluar makan, kan?

Tapi syangnye,sibukla sekrang ni ngan orientation, BLS, da nak naik new sem lgi, so, better i stop kot kerja tu, cuti2 lgi leh sambung kerja?kan2..ehhe..okays..till here then, tataJ

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Hehehe..setelah berminggu-minggu, berhari-hari sy mengemas kini blog nieh,dpatla hasilnye yang tak seberapa nieh..hahaha..kelakarkan?

Agak2 dekat berpuluh-puluh template gakla sy tuka,still tak dpat template blog yg memuaskan ati, huhu..last2..bila sy fikir balik, watpela nak wat blog extravaganza tu extra marks je,yg penting isinye..ape yang sy nak luahkan melalui blog nie, tu yang penting, betul x?,last2 nie jela designnye..malas da nak tuka,hehe..ok la kan?

Kepada rakan2 blogger yg lain, law ade ape2 nak komen atau share,just gtau je terima sgala komen yg anda berikan J

Okey,selamat berblogger!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


malas nak belajar..
khairi merajuk..
tak tahu nak wat ape
chemistry susah
tak selesa
cuaca panas

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

recent activities

A lot of things happen to me these days..

I had to fetch my parent at the airport in the morning, on the day i had my first final exam as a first year student..fuhhhh..
Then, i was late to the exam, the invigilator did not give me permission to enter the hall..
I had to see dean first, dean xde at his room, so i went to see deputy dean, she give me permission to answer the paper..
2.00pm..dean wanna to see me..he ask me why i did not came to this exam..He asks me everything...
Result: i might be failed for this exam..just wait for the result after senate meeting..
I didn’t have car to go back, its raining outside..i’m alone..i keep crying inside..i don’t know what to do..
Where are my friends? why they didn’t help me at all..rasa macam dibuang cm tu je..its ok la fatin..lumrah dunia..
Betul la orang kate..mase susah ni la nak tau sape kwan sad today..
Nasib baik la mak abah dah balik..xpela..nak wat takdir, mgkin ni balasan atas dosa2 aq yang redha..n aq xmnyesal pun..coz ape yg aq wat ni untuk mak abah aq..
Diorang nak fail kan aq?nak buang aq dri uni? Buatla..itu hak terima..
Rezeki di bumi Allah ni banyak..
Ingat aq nak sangat ke masuk cucms ni?huh..sebelah mata pun aq xpndang la..
Eah fatin..xbaik cakap cmtu..huhu..jangan ckap besar..huhu..harap2la diorang xbuang aq..n xfail kan aq..huhu..please..
Ps: tau takut..haha..fatin2..lawak la hang!!:)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Salam Ramadhan al-mubarak..

Sedar x sedar,tinggal lagi beberapa hari je Ramadhan akan melabuhkan tirainya, macam cepat sangat masa sebulan tu berlalu, rasa macam baru 2,3 hari je kita menunaikan ibadah puasa,kan?

Sebenarnya,aq pun xsedar gak Ramadhan dah nak abes,sampaila semalam bile orang tanye cuti raya minggu depan ke?then,kat masjid besi,Imam buat pengumuman mengenai 10 malam terakhir Ramadhan..

Allahu akbar, cepat betul masa berlalu, time dgar tu smpai terduduk diam aq,terkejut sangat, rasa macam baru nak menikmati manisnya ramdhan ni..macam banyak sgat lagi perkara yang belum dilakukan, solat sunat, khatam Al-Quran, macam2la..huhu..

Bukan apa, rasa diri ni kerdil sangat,terlalu banyak dosaku selama 20 tahun bergelar hamba Allah ni..sesungguhnya benar, aq sangat lalai dengan kehidupan dunia yang sementara ni, duduk berjauhan dengan keluarga menambahkan lagi rasa kesenangan dalam diri dan membuat diri ni lebih alpa terhadap tanggungjwab ku kepada Allah s.w.t..astagfirullah..

Sebab tu kalau boleh, sementara nafsu masih terkawal dlam diri,sementara syaitan masih dibelenggu dan diikat, sementara pintu neraka masih nak sgat ubah diriku kepada yang lebih baik..kepada yang lebih khusyu’ dan tawada’ terhadap Allah..susah memang susah,smpai aq rasa diriku dan nafsuku dah dididik oleh syaitan agar alpa terhadap Allah..(nauzubillah)..

Jadi,sementara aq masih ingat tujuan aq dilahirkan di dunia ini..Ya Allah,berilah aq kesempatan dan peluang untuk ku memperbaiki diriku..

Salam ramadhan kepada semua...:)

cerita saje-saje

Hello everyone!!!!!!

Haha...saje nak mencapub(mencari publisiti) kat blog sendri,kih kih...bukan ape..memang dah lama xpost ape2 kat wall ni..sunyi sepi je..xde orang kacau..xde post baru..senyap je.......

Bukan apa,nak kata busy,xla busy sgat,tapi boleh la jugak dikatakan busy, sibuk memanjang je kan??huhu..Emm..second year dah start dah dalam jangka masa lebih kurang 2 minggu,masuk rumah baru,beli barang baru,macam2 la..

Then, bnyak lak aktivitinye,orientasi,meeting,gitu gini,hehe,macam2la, last2,cuma baca blog orang laen je,terhibur sangat hati ini,macam2 kisah menarik terdapat kat blog2 nie...

So,Cuma nak cakap hai jela sebenarnya kat sini:DDD xde idea nak tulis entry pasal apa..haha..ntila saya pikir k?

Smpai di sini dlu..assalamualaikum...

Saturday, July 9, 2011


U know what, can I be a neurosurgeon specialist??


It Seems very funny right?berangan la kau fatin!!!!exam faoundation yg senang tu pun kau xleh lepas ngan flying colours, ade hati nak jadi neurosurgeon lak..hahhahaha..

Bukan ape, aq baru je lepas tengok Grey’s Anatomy Season 2, WOW!!Life of doctors was really sucks!!but then, they look very cool!!! Damn cOol!!Okey, basically, aq mmg lebih tertarik with the dramas behind the scene rather than medicine talks that they do,huhu..the story is about an intern names Merideth who is in love with her attending Dr. Stepherd, a neurosurgeon specialist who is going to be the chief of surgeon in the hospital. At first, they were having sex without knowing each other profession and even each other names. The next day, they found out that they work in the same hospital and it is legally wronged when intern is having a relationship with their attending. But then, the loves is still in the air ......

Until one day, the wife of Dr. Stepherd muncul out of nowhere, and BOOM!!and now Dr. Stepherd have got to choose between his wife or Merideth and lastly he choose his family..Poor Merideth, right?

So, that’s the drama..

And now I am thinking to myself, is I am able to be a neurosurgeon when the degree that I’m taking right now is Bachelor of Pharmacy? Haaa fatin, u got to be kidding me..

But then, anything can happen..right?If there is a will, there will be a way..:)

Despite of that, first and for most..go and study hard fatin!!u know that if u want to do,u can do it!!

Okey, thats the spirit!!!

See u later then ..B.A.B.A.I

Thursday, July 7, 2011

work,work and work


Hehehe..sudah agak lama kan sya xpost ape-ape..busy sikit with works and some extra activities..

Okay,today sy dah stop kerja dengan rasminye,walaupun xrasmi sgat SBB MAIN TGGAL JE KEJE TU...haha..sory admin kak aida,kak aishah, ngan azrin..

Bukan ape, malas dah nak keje, sbnanye pgi tdi nak keja gak,tpi mengenangkan assignment yang xsiap lagi..terpaksala rush buat,wlaupun sgat2 xsempurna..sory sgat kepada pihak yang berkenaan..

Then, kat tempat kerja tu macam-macam conflict ada,xbestlakan nak kerja with that kind of environment..BUT actually I TRULY LOVE my work there..hehe..mmg penat,sgat penat,badan berpeluh,ketiak masam..haha..tapi best..

Best sbb ape? First, orang2 kat situ semuanya baik2 dan kelakar..hehe..they treat me like their own family member, caring, everythingla..Pak Mat, En.Hassan, kak Nita, Kak Zura, Kak azie, anna, and those naughty boys..with them , sy belajar pasal kehidupan sebenar, macam mana orang susah cari duit, susahnye kalau xde ilmu, parent jauh, orang yang merantau, macam2 la..kehidupan suami isteri pun ade, kan?

Secondly, cause my works is very interesting tau, packing mihun, first u need to choose the right mihun according to their classes, after sorting those mihun, kira weight die lak, here, ur skills is very needed to seimbangkan berat mihun tu, and xleh lebih dan xleh kurang,lame2 skill tu akan dtang, bile ade skill barula cepat wat kerja..hehe.J

Thirdly best sbb dekat ngan tempat kerja abah, law lapa je,i can just call my dad, ajak die keluar makan, kan?

Tapi syangnye,sibukla sekrang ni ngan orientation, BLS, da nak naik new sem lgi, so, better i stop kot kerja tu, cuti2 lgi leh sambung kerja?kan2..ehhe..okays..till here then, tataJ

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Hehehe..setelah berminggu-minggu, berhari-hari sy mengemas kini blog nieh,dpatla hasilnye yang tak seberapa nieh..hahaha..kelakarkan?

Agak2 dekat berpuluh-puluh template gakla sy tuka,still tak dpat template blog yg memuaskan ati, huhu..last2..bila sy fikir balik, watpela nak wat blog extravaganza tu extra marks je,yg penting isinye..ape yang sy nak luahkan melalui blog nie, tu yang penting, betul x?,last2 nie jela designnye..malas da nak tuka,hehe..ok la kan?

Kepada rakan2 blogger yg lain, law ade ape2 nak komen atau share,just gtau je terima sgala komen yg anda berikan J

Okey,selamat berblogger!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


malas nak belajar..
khairi merajuk..
tak tahu nak wat ape
chemistry susah
tak selesa
cuaca panas

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

recent activities

A lot of things happen to me these days..

I had to fetch my parent at the airport in the morning, on the day i had my first final exam as a first year student..fuhhhh..
Then, i was late to the exam, the invigilator did not give me permission to enter the hall..
I had to see dean first, dean xde at his room, so i went to see deputy dean, she give me permission to answer the paper..
2.00pm..dean wanna to see me..he ask me why i did not came to this exam..He asks me everything...
Result: i might be failed for this exam..just wait for the result after senate meeting..
I didn’t have car to go back, its raining outside..i’m alone..i keep crying inside..i don’t know what to do..
Where are my friends? why they didn’t help me at all..rasa macam dibuang cm tu je..its ok la fatin..lumrah dunia..
Betul la orang kate..mase susah ni la nak tau sape kwan sad today..
Nasib baik la mak abah dah balik..xpela..nak wat takdir, mgkin ni balasan atas dosa2 aq yang redha..n aq xmnyesal pun..coz ape yg aq wat ni untuk mak abah aq..
Diorang nak fail kan aq?nak buang aq dri uni? Buatla..itu hak terima..
Rezeki di bumi Allah ni banyak..
Ingat aq nak sangat ke masuk cucms ni?huh..sebelah mata pun aq xpndang la..
Eah fatin..xbaik cakap cmtu..huhu..jangan ckap besar..huhu..harap2la diorang xbuang aq..n xfail kan aq..huhu..please..
Ps: tau takut..haha..fatin2..lawak la hang!!:)